What’s Cookin?





Cooking can be a great stress reliever and a really effective way to take your mind off the more unpleasant aspects of your week.  It’s also a great way to indulge your creative side and do something nice for your family, friends or partner.  If you don’t cook often, why not surprise your loved ones with a delicious Sunday dinner?  If you are your household’s regular chef, perhaps it’s time to give your old standbys a rest and try something new.   There are some mouthwatering, sure to please recipes contained in the cookbooks in our collection, most of which are shelved in the RM or TX section if you just feel like browsing.

Go Green! From Wolfgang Puck and Charlie Trotter to the editors of Vegetarian Times, we’ve got plenty of meatless ideas for you in our vegetarian cookbooks.

Go Somewhere Else!  Start your day with a breakfast from a different place with The International Breakfast Book. Breakfast not the only thing you’re interested in?  Take your taste buds on a trip around the world by checking out Indian Cooking Unfolded, The Complete Middle Eastern Cookbook, Food from Many Greek Kitchens , or The Japanese Kitchen. You can stay in the US and still explore different traditions by checking out Northern Hospitality: Cooking by the Book in New England or The Big New York Sandwich Book.

Stay Local! There’s so much goodness right here in the Midwest.  Explore it with Amy Thielen’s The New Midwestern Table.   Want to stay even closer to home?  Try Chicago Cooks or A Cook’s Guide to Chicago.

Or you could just consult the best of the best.  This book contains recipes from 101 of the most classic cookbooks: 101 Classic Cookbooks; 501 Classic Recipes.


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