What is the Internet Archive?

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Internet Archive Logo

I am sure that many of you are aware of the “Wayback Machine” – a tool that lets users view functional “snapshots” of websites as they existed at various times in the past. While students will certainly enjoy looking back on the Moraine Valley Website, this is only part of what the Internet Archive does. With the lofty mission “…to provide universal access to all knowledge“, the Internet Archive is a free and open online library that contains:

All of these resources are powerful tools for research, and this is a service that savvy internet users should be aware of: Looking for an authoritative version of website you visited in the past? Seeking an old local radio broadcast? Maybe you want to read a chapter of an obscure text that you can not find in your local library? With a variety of Special Digital Collections available (scroll down if you follow the link) – you might find just what you are looking for!

But there is fun to be had too – some will want to check out The Manga Library, The Old School Emulation Center, or study some Cookbooks from the last 200 years! I have been continuously dying while trying to play Super Mario Brothers in the browser, and am brought back to the early 90’s in my cousins basement! As you are probably starting to sense – the possibilities are endless. Note: Some materials require you to create a free digital “Library Card” to check out materials.

If you are interested in participating or learning more, check out their ongoing projects. You can create a free account to begin uploading content today!

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