What is the federal budget? How much does the government collect in income taxes?

Have you ever wondered what the federal budget looks like? One of the services of the MVCC Library is a list called RESEARCH GUIDES on the Library website. Click here to go to it.

Federal Documents Basic Collection and Governmental Information Research Guide are two Research Guides that can get you started. Look for the links on the lists to the federal budget.

Now for the money that the federal government receives. Go to the Internet and type in U.S. Department of the Treasury.  Once on this website, check out the menu at the top of the page that says DATA.

Click on Receipts and Outlays.

Getting back to taxes, type in federal income tax revenue by year into a search engine and several websites will give you information on income tax revenue.

By Delphine Lytell

Librarian by profession; otherwise, a wonderful human being.

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