**UPDATE 8/20/13: The editors from the local Patch sites have contacted us to assure us that the Patch sites for the South suburbs are not closing. They are open and covering local news. This is great to hear! **
Some big news that may impact local journalism around MVCC! Last week, AOL announced that it would greatly reduce its local news network known as The Patch (see “AOL lays off about 500 at Patch local news unit“).
The Patch has become a major source of local news covering many events that the Tribune and Sun-Times do not cover. Local government, school boards, business openings, cultural events, and other events have been covered by local journalists who live in our communities. This includes events held by Moraine Valley!
Here’s a list of the local Patch sites.
–Palos Patch (Twitter: @PalosPatch)
–Orland Patch (Twitter: @OrlandPatch)
–Tinley Park Patch (Twitter: @TinleyParkPatch)
Why is the Patch shutting its virtual doors? Well, basically it comes down to money. It is increasingly apparent that news sites cannot operate on advertising revenue alone. There just isn’t enough ad dollars to support the operation. For a more detailed look see this article from Nieman Journalism Lab, “The newsonomics of Patch’s unquilting (by Ken Doctor).”