Upcoming Event: Male Victims of Rape and Survivorship

Don’t miss this event. Brendan Yukins from Rape Victim Advocates will be speaking about the most common reason for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in men: sexual violence.

Male Victims of Rape and Survivorship
Thursday, April 5th, 11am-12:15pm, Building L, Library Lounge
Brendan Yukins from Rape Victim Advocates will be speaking about the most common reason for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in men: sexual violence. Society at large stigmatizes men who have been raped, from joking about them in the media to denying male victimization in the criminal justice system. Brendan will be delving into American masculinity, how it compounds trauma for male survivors, and how we can redefine masculinity as a society to create a world free of shame for the 1 in 6 men who will survive sexual violence in their lifetime. This event is part of our One Book, We Believe You program.

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