#TryPod: The Podcasts We Love

Our Librarians love podcasts, and we are joining the #TryPod effort to promote podcasts during the month of March 2017.


Don’t miss the Library’s two podcasts:

  1. The MVCC Library Podcast: Audio from library events and discussions with faculty.
  2. The Moraine Valley Broadcasting Channel: Student-created podcasts on a range of topics.

Here are some recommended podcasts from our Librarians

Sharon Byerly

  1. Filmspotting: Reviews of films and interviews with actors and others.
  2. Chewing: Discussions of food and health.
  3. Sound Opinions: Great music reviews and interviews.

Tony Dunbar

  1. CodeSwitch: Discussions about race, ethnicity, and culture and how they play out in the real world.
  2. Counter Stories: Discussions of culture, race, identity.

Terra Jacobson

  1. Women of the Hour: Lena Dunham talks about a range of topics aimed at women but definitely open for everyone.
  2. Radio Lab: Award winning show about curiosity and ideas.
  3. Dear Sugar: Honest advice on love, relationships, and all kinds of other stuff.

Tish Hayes

  1. CodeSwitch: Discussions about race, ethnicity, and culture and how they play out in the real world.
  2. Myths and Legends: Ever wonder where popular fairy tales come from? This podcast explores the bizarre and crazy origins of these stories.
  3. Invisibilia: About the invisible forces that control human behavior.

Barb Keleher

  1. Serious Eats/Special Sauce: Interviews with chefs and others about food.
  2. Stuff You Missed in History: Fills in the historic gaps.
  3. Maltin on Movies: Discussion of great films (many you haven’t heard of).
  4. Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History: This ain’t no joke! Serious history.
  5. You Must Remember This: History about the forgotten history of Hollywood.

Marie Martino

  1. Nerdette: Interviews with artists, authors, and others about nerdy stuff.
  2. Serial: Listen to a story unfold as the investigators follow the info.
  3. Bad at Sports: Interviews, discussions, and other stuff. Sorta art. Sorta journalism.

Troy Swanson

  1. FiveThirtyEight Podcasts: 538 focuses on using data to understand our world. They analyze politics, sports, and other stuff with numbers.
  2. Nerdist Podcast: Chris Hardwick interviews actors, writers, directors, musicians and tons of other people.
  3. iFanboy: The leading comic book podcast. These guys are funny.
  4. History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps: A full history of Western philosophy starting with the ancient Greeks and moving forward.
  5. I was There Too: Each week Matt Gourley interviews someone who was in the background of a famous movie.

Rebecca Tull

  1. New York Times Book Review: The most well-known book review source.
  2. Guardian Books Podcast: Books with an international flair.
  3. Slate’s Podcasts: Smart and timely topics from Culture Gabfest, DoubleX Gabfest, etc.
  4. The Axe Files: David Axelrod out of U of Chicago’s Institute of Politics talks with political leaders and thinkers.

If you are interested in listening to podcasts but are not sure how, check out this article from Digital Trends.

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