The 2020 Census: What You Need to Know

2020 is a Census year!

The US Census is a constitutionally required decennial (once every ten years) count of all persons living in the United States.

The data collected during the Census determines representation on a federal, state, and local level, the distribution of billions of dollars of funding, and provides information used to make decisions about education, business, health care, and many other issues that affect the MVCC community.

Activities related to the Census will take place throughout 2020, but most people will only have to actively participate in March. Here is how the 2020 Census will look for most households:

  • March 2020: Receive an invitation to respond to the Census online, by mail, or by phone.
  • March-April 2020: Receive periodic reminders to respond, if your household had not yet participated in the Census.
  • April 1st 2020: Census Day!
  • May-August 2020: Census workers will follow up in person, if your household had not yet responded.
  • December 2020: Results of the Census are compiled and officially presented. 

Learn more on the 2020 Census website, a great resource to learn more about participating in the 2020 Census. The Library also offers a Census 2020 Research Guide with helpful links and research tips.

It’s not too late to apply for a 2020 Census Job! For more information and to apply online visit the 2020 Census Jobs page.

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