Technical Services Tidbits: History, Criminal Enterprises, Religion and Empire Building

Interested in history, but looking for a book that gives a different and unique look at a particular segment of  history,  people of different faiths, the history of crime in America, or the intersection of religion and history, check out new titles in the MVCC library:

Sin: a history  (Gary Anderson)  This book traces the origin of sin and tells how sin affects the Christian understanding of the life and death of Jesus.   

The Book of Mormon: the earliest text  (edited by Royal Skousen) –- is a “history like narrative as revealed to 23 year old Joseph Smith from April-June 1829.  This is a retelling of the thousand year history of the Nephites, an off-shoot of the house of Israel transplanted to the Americas in the 6th century B.C.E.” (p. viii)

The Muslim Empires of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals  (Stephen Dale) — Muslim empire building in the founding of the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Empires; and the effect of Islam  on the “political, military, economy, language, literature and religious traditions” of these areas. (Publisher)

Savages and Scoundrels: the untold story of America’s road to empire though Indian Territory (Paul VanDevelder) -–  discusses the history of the founding of America and the broken promises made to the Native American people by the U.S. government;  how the quest for land to build a more perfect union led to the genocide of the Native Americans; and the impact today of the actions of the first settlers.

Moonshiners and Prohibitionists: The Battle over Alcohol in Southern Appalachia  (Bruce Stewart) -– discusses the Southern Appalachian history of moonshine and prohibition; the life of the moonshiner.  In addition, the author debunks stereotypes associated with “hillbillys”.

American Homicide  (Randolph Roth) –– The author uses census data and other government data to trace and give a history of homicide in America from colonial times to the present day.  He tracks the rates of homicide, the reasons for homicide and compares the rates in the U.S. to other Western nations.

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