world hunger

Feed My Starving Children

Did last week’s foodblog whet your appetite for volunteer opportunities?  Next week, as a service learning class project, Moraine Valley students will pack meals for Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) which is a charity that ships donated food for malnourished children to more than 70 countries worldwide. Students will be volunteering at the  Aurora FMSC location on Tuesday, February 7th from 2:30-4:30 and Thursday, February 9th from 2:30-4:30. Anyone is welcome to join the class. To sign up, click on the link for the day you want to volunteer, and you will be taken to the FMSC site where you will be asked to register.

Want to learn more about world hunger? Visit the Moraine library to check out books, videos, and dvds about subjects including hunger,  the food supply, and food relief. Watch for upcoming posts discussing the world’s food supply.

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