If You’re Not Reading Saga, Then You Are Missing One of Greatest Cliffhangers in History

If the day ever comes that comics/graphic novels are granted the same respect as novels, then writer Brian K. Vaughan will be viewed as one of our greatest authors. Saga is this generations great series. It contains blends a Star Wars-like epic, the scenery of Avatar, the adult content and language of Game of Thrones,… Continue reading If You’re Not Reading Saga, Then You Are Missing One of Greatest Cliffhangers in History

Superman: Red Son

Imagine a reality where the world’s most powerful super-being does not grow up in Smallville, Kansas – or even America, for that matter… Superman: Red Son is a vivid tale of Cold War paranoia, that reveals how the ship carrying the infant, who would later be known as Superman, lands in the midst of the… Continue reading Superman: Red Son

60th Anniversary of Civil Rights Sit-Ins

This February marks the 60th anniversary of the beginning of sit-in campaigns during the Civil Rights Movement. On February 1st, 1960, four students staged a sit-in at a Woolworth’s in Greensboro, North Carolina. The idea to stage sit-ins spread, led by student activists across the country.  Interested in learning more? The Library has a number… Continue reading 60th Anniversary of Civil Rights Sit-Ins

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