Sunday, Sept 11th : eRead IL Down for Maintenance


The eRead IL ebook and electronic audiobook collection available through the library will be down for maintenance from 4am until 8am on Sunday, September 11th.

What is eRead IL?

eRead IL is an ebook and electronic audiobook collection that the MVCC students and staff have access to through the library.  It contains over 25,000 titles.  You can access these resources via computer or various mobile devices after downloading the Axis 360 app that works with eRead IL.

Visit the eRead IL website directly or browse ebook titles or electronic audiobook titles through the library catalog.

Login to eRead IL using your MVCC username (Library Card ID) and password (PIN).  Note: this is the same as your Blackboard, Canvas, and MV Connect login.

For help accessing and using eRead IL and other e-resources, click here for more information or ask a librarian for assistance.

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