Students Who Know Librarians Get Better Grades

Evidence shows that librarians are awesome! Yes, it is true. Recent research shows that students who interact with librarians do better. Shocker!

Here’s a quote from the article:

…students who were introduced to their librarian by a faculty member were much more likely to ask for help and get better research results, he said.

The students surveyed often looked in journals or databases unsuited to their field of study and displayed a poor understanding of how to refine search results.

“Many (but not all) students are not gaining the information literacy skills in college that they will need in their future careers. This isn’t just about doing academic research, but also about being a savvy, reflective, and critical consumers of information,” said Dr Asher, adding that most students were working hard and doing their best in difficult circumstances.

“Students need better conceptual training on how search engines organise and retrieve information. These are really epistemological
questions that I don’t think are being adequately addressed in many student’s academic experiences.” 

Read the entire article here: US study shows Google has changed the way students research – and not for the better,

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