Silver Screen Shakespeare

With the new Shakespeare Garden being dedicated on July 21st and the upcoming MVCC production of The Taming of the Shrew, we wanted to celebrate the greatness that was William Shakespeare! We’ve got a number of resources in the library that get you in touch with his works directly. You can check them out here.

Shakespeare’s works permeate much of our culture and influence so many movies and TV shows. There are a ton of movie adaptations, many of which aren’t obviously a Shakespeare work in disguise. To give you an idea, here is a listing by Mark Lawson of the 10 best screen adaptations of Shakespeare’s work.

We have many of these movies, along with some not listed, in the library available for checkout. The links below may lead you to a whole new interpretation of one of your favorite Shakespeare plays!

The Tempest

Tempest / Paul Mazursky (1982)


Romeo and Juliet

West Side Story / Robert Wise (1961)

Romeo + Juliet / Baz Luhrmann (1996)

Romeo Must Die / Andrzej Bartkowiak (2000)


Henry IV (parts 1 & 2)

My Own Private Idaho / Gus Van Sant (1991)


King Lear

A Thousand Acres / Jocelyn Moorhouse (1997)


Love’s Labour’s Lost

Love’s Labour’s Lost : a romantic musical comedy / Kenneth Branagh  (1999)



Coriolanus / Ralph Fiennes  (2011)

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