
Do you think about poetry if you are not studying it for a class? Do you write poetry yourself? Do you enjoy reading poetry?

Some poetry facts:

  • You can find some poems celebrating autumn on the site Poets.org.
  • October 6 was National Poetry Day in England.
  • The 21st and current poet laureate of the United States is Juan Felipe Herrera, and he was poet laureate of California from 2012 to 2015. He has published more than a dozen collections of poetry and short stories and books for children and young adults.
  • Most states have or have had a poet laureate. The Library of Congress website has an interactive map to show information and history about the position in each state.
  • Kevin Stein, professor at Bradley University in Peoria, is the Illinois poet laureate. On the state’s poet laureate website, Stein says he wants to “foster an audience ranging from poetry newbies to those more seasoned devotees of the art.”

Search on poetry in the library’s catalog to find a variety of books on the subject.

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