Our Founding Fathers: Who Were They and What Happened to Them?

The Independence Day festivities continue as many people have taken the week off of work. If you are lounging around in the July heat, this may be a time to reflect back on the actual writing of the US Declaration of Independence. You may want to check out this book in our collection Jefferson’s Declaration of independence : origins, philosophy, and theology by Allen Jayne. You can may also want to watch this video:
Our Founding Fathers: Who Were They and What Happened to Them?

SUMMARY:On this Fourth of July, the most American of holidays, Ray Suarez speaks with Denise Kiernan and Josephe D’Agnese, authors of the book, “Signing Their Lives Away: The Fame and Misfortune of the Men Who Signed the Declaration of Independence,” about what happened to the men who affixed their names to the historic document.

Watch Founding Fathers: Who Were They and What Happened to Them? on PBS. See more from PBS NewsHour.

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