We have added dozens of new eBooks and eAudiobooks to our collection this past month. The electronic books can be easily accessed via Web browser. You will be asked to enter your MVCC login information for off-campus access, and access is limited to one user per book, multiple users can’t access the same book at the same time. The eAudiobooks will need to be checked out through the EBSCO Audiobook app.
Browse the whole collection of EBSCO eBooks or sample one of my favorites below:
- Fade to Gray: Aging in American Cinema by Timothy Shary and Nancy McVittie
- The Irish Enlightenment by Michael Brown
- Marvellous Thieves: Secret Authors of the Arabian Nights by Paulo Lemos Horta
- Octavia E. Butler by Gerry Canavan
- Spatializing Blackness: Architectures of Confinement and Black Masculinity in Chicago by Rashad Shabazz
- The Vegetable Butcher: How to Select, Prep, Slice, Dice, and Masterfully Cook Vegetables from Artichokes to Zucchini by Cara Mangini
- Water Planet: the Culture, Politics, Economics, and Sustainability of Water on Earth edited by Camille Gaskin-Reyes