Today as we observe the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, the Government Printing Office (GPO), for the first time ever, is making the complete official Warren Commission report available digitally. The commission was tasked by President Lyndon B. Johnson, and chaired by then Chief Justice Earl Warren, to investigate the events surrounding the Kennedy assassination. From the press release:
The 900-page report is available on FDsys, a one-stop site to authentic,
published information on the three branches of the Federal Government. The
report contains numerous photos, maps and diagrams from the scene in Dallas, TX.
Georgetown University’s Lauinger Library, a Federal depository library, provided
a copy of the report for digitization.
About the report, the newly confirmed Public Printer Davita Vance-Cooks says, “GPO’s presses first printed the report in 1964. Through partnerships with the Library of Congress and the Lauinger Library, GPO is now able to make the report available digitally on the anniversary of this tragic event.”
Also on FDSys today, you can hear the taped audio recordings of the crew of Air Force One while in flight from Dallas, TX to Washington, DC.