Ms. Marvel author G. Willow Wilson Lecture Videos

We were very excited to welcome G. Willow Wilson to campus last week. Wilson, who is the author of our One Book text Ms. Marvel, gave two lectures on campus. She had much to say about heroes, identity, pop culture, and much more. She is currently the writer for Wonder Women, one of DC Comic’s premier titles. She has a new comic series out called Invisible Kingdom, and a new novel called The Bird King.
Additionally, Wilson explores the background and development of the character Ms. Marvel. She talks about the difference in writing a new character and writing a legacy character (such as Wonder Women). She offers advice to writers and talks about her writing process.

These events were made possible by a grant from the Association of Performing Arts Professionals; Building Bridges: Arts Culture and Identity, a component of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art.

Ms. Marvel author G. Willow Wilson (first lecture), One Book, One College, April 10, 2019

G. Willow Wilson author of Ms. Marvel (second lecture), One Book, One College, April 11, 2019

The audio of this discussion is available below:

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