Do you need a book for class?
Did your professor tell you something is on “Reserve”?
Did you make it to campus, but left your book at home?
Trying to eke out the semester without purchasing the book for class? (For shame!)
Check out the library’s course reserve materials! We have a number of textbooks that are required for your classes, and we also have tons of other things that you may need for class. You should also know, to keep things fair and available to everyone, these items often have a shortened loan period. (Generally, it’s only a few hours) BUT! We have plenty of comfortable study seating to do your readings in house and some copiers and scanners if you need to take some of those shorter readings on the go. You can search our catalog for your classes’ reserve items at the following link:
Just type in your class number (i.e. COL 101) or your professor’s name…It’s that easy!