Yesterday, did you happen to notice any vegetarian or vegan options in the cafeteria? Moraine is participating in Meatless Mondays and will be offering more veg options on Mondays.
Do you know how eating less meat affects your health and your planet?
*Stop by the library to check out some books and dvds like: China Study, Food, Inc, and other materials by Michael Pollan.
*Borrow Forks Over Knives or other materials through interlibrary loan.
*Search GreenFILE, Academic Search Complete, and Expanded Academic ASAP databases using terms like “meat industry – environmental aspects” or “agriculture and environmental aspects” or “livestock – environmental aspects” to read articles such as:
Goodland, Robert; Anhang, Jeff. “Livestock and Climate Change.” World Watch; Nov/Dec2009, Vol. 22 Issue 6
Jacobson, Michael F. “Livestock’s Long Shadow.” Nutrition Action Health Letter; Jun2009, Vol. 36 Issue 5
Le Page, Michael. “Eat more plants.” New Scientist; 9/19/2009, Vol. 203 Issue 2726
Upton, Julie. “Meatless Mondays Are Good for You…and the Earth.” Environmental Nutrition; Jun2009, Vol. 32 Issue 6
Walsh, Bryan. “Skip the steak.” Time Magazine, 4/9/2007, Vol. 169 Issue 15
*For some tasty recipes, Moraine’s library has some cookbooks with meatless recipes. You can also come browse issues of Vegetarian Times magazine (current issue is by the coffeebar).
*Find recipes and more info online at these sites:
Happy Cow (Illinois and Chicago restaurants)