It’s Oscar season again!


February 28th, 2016 will mark the 88th anniversary of the Academy Awards ceremony. I am not a big film buff, but I love the Oscars; all the movie stars, the drama, the clothes, the emotion and, oh yes, the movies too.

The Oscars have a history dating back to 1927 when the Academy was originally founded as an honorary organization dedicated to promoting the arts and sciences of motion pictures. According to “the 1st Academy Awards ceremony took place on Thursday, May 16, 1929 at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. The winners were selected from movies released from August 1, 1927 to August 1, 1928.” The Oscars are awarded as a mark of excellence in categories of filmmaking. These categories include cinematography, sound editing, and costume design, directing and acting.

For more information about the 88th Annual Academy Awards (including a complete list of the nominees), visit their site.

We have many of the previous winners here at the library, which are available for you to checkout.

And if you ever wanted to know why the little statues are called “Oscars” and other interesting facts, check out these Oscar facts that you can then lock away in your brain for that next trivia night session. And don’t forget to tune in on February 28th!

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