Horror Film Series: Carrie (1976)

What happens when a shy, friendless, telekinetic girl gets picked at the prom? This infamous film has been known to be everyone’s favorite Halloween horror film. Originally based off Stephen King’s first novel published in 1974, Carrie has been remade into a sequel, a Broadway musical, and a television film. Another remake of Carrie is planned to come out sometime in 2013. The new Carrie will be played by Chloë Grace Moretz, who is known for playing Hit-Girl in Kick-Ass (2010) and more recently as Carolyn Stoddard in Tim Burton’s adaption of Dark Shadows (2012).

In the library, we have the original 1976 version of Carrie and Stephen King’s novel Carrie.  In addition, we have plenty of books on Stephen King’s Carrie:

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