Hiking & Local Nature

Moraine Valley Community College (MVCC) is located near beautiful forest preserves. Throughout the year, students see the seasons change through the colors of local flora, the sounds of migrating birds, and the occasional encounters with local wildlife. It is magical.

The following resources vary from beginners to must-read books. They are intended to help students and visitors experience nature near the campus and throughout Illinois. Along with the nearby forest preserves, MVCC’s campus has a vibrant Nature Study Area and Observatory, a 40-acre reconstructed tall grass prairie which is home to coyotes, great blue herons, colorful mallards, schools of bass and bluegill, hundreds of plants, and grasses. Visit the Nature Study Area and all the Forest Preserves of Cook County around the campus and Illinois!

 Click on the image below to visit our virtual display! Want to learn more about nature in Illinois? Revisit our Explore Wild Illinois virtual display!

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