Getting Information in Your Students’ Hands: Reserves at MVCC Library


^^MVCC Reserve Materials^^

  •     Do you own a book or other media that you’d like for your students to have access to in a safe and monitored environment?
  •     Do you want to make sure that something in the library can be assured to be available to all of your students?
  •     Do you suspect that some of your students don’t have access to the text for your class?

These are just a few reasons to use the library’s reserve system, but there are many others.  With this system, the library can set aside items for your students that you want them to use outside of class.  If you have books, DVDs, Blu Rays, or other media you want your students to have access to, fill out the form below and bring those items, along with the form, to the library.  Our shortened loan periods make it easier for your students to have equal access to sparse resources, and help students get the things they need to be successful.  You can find more information at the link below:

To place items on reserve for your class, you will need to fill out and bring the Textbook and Reserve form to the library for each item to be put on reserve.  The form can be found here:

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