Generation Next: How to Keep Nerd Communities Growing #ComicsCulture

Geek culture and fandom are more popular than ever, providing more doorways to becoming part of nerd communities. How do we welcome new people into our communities so they continue to grow and thrive? What are the ways we can create space and opportunities for new fans and creators to share their nerdy passions and talents? A panel of creators, organizers, and fans will discuss the importance of mentorship and inclusive spaces in maintaining healthy geek communities. Panelists include

Carlye Frank
(educator, artist),

Dawn Xiana Moon
(Raks Geek producer & director)

Michi Trota
(Uncanny Magazine managing editor & Chicago Nerd Social Club board of organizers)

Ytasha L. Womack
(Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci Fi and Fantasy Culture author)

This event was part of our Graphic Novel Symposium:

Generation Next: How to Keep Nerd Communities Growing

The audio of this discussion is available below:

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