Looking for TV scripts? The library’s Newspaper Source database has transcripts from news shows. Yes, I know it is called a newspaper database, but it has newspapers and TV shows. For instance, here is a link to ABC’s Goodmorning America (MVCC ID requried from off campus). If you are looking for non-news scripts. Here are a few sources to try:
- TV Scripts (TWIZTV): Description: “TWIZ TV.COM – Free TV Scripts and Television Transcripts. Listing of more than 200 shows. Including Alias, Charmed, Gilmore Girls, The OC, One Tree Hill, Smallville and more.”
- Television Transcript Project : TVTP 1000 Description: “Transcripts to TV shows, commercials, and a few interviews. Has some links to more and background, including how-to.”
- Simply Scripts Descritption: “1000s of free, downloadable movie scripts and movie screenplays on the ‘net. Searchable database of movie, television, radio, anime scripts, transcripts and plays. A screenwriter’s resource.”
- Movie-Page.com: Scripts A-M: Description: “The movie script section features new, old and rare movie scripts.”
- Drews Script O Rama: Description: “#1 free screenplay site for movies and television”
These descriptions are provided by Infomine: Scholarly Internet Source Collections.