Film Blog: Tapped (2009)

Is clean water a right or a privilege? Today in Filmblogland, we look at the documentary film Tapped. This film explores the question of bottled water as a commodity. Should access to clean water be a basic right or should it be sold just like any other commodity? The film looks at those that privatize water and those that need clean water.

Tapped not only covers the subject of water, but the debate on how harmful BPA is to your health. For those of you that haven’t heard about the issue, BPA is a substance found not just in water bottles, but in many other plastic containers. Scientists find that high doses of BPA are linked to obesity, prostate cancer, breast cancer, diabetes etc. (Tapped The Movie 2012). For a trailer of the documentary, view the video below.

For more information about the film, go to

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