Several of our library’s most used article databases come to us on the EBSCO platform. Over the summer, EBSCO has updated their interface to include some new features. The feature I like the best is the new display for search results which shows articles, images, options to limit by source type, and options to limit by subjects. The displays for RSS feeds, search alerts and saved searches are also easier to see and use. You can link to articles, or to searches. Here is a link to a search about Darfur and the United Nations.
When you click on it, notice the images to the right, and notice that link that says “alerts/save/share”, which gives you links and options to post to books marking sites. The following databases are from EBSCO and can be accessed on our online database page:
- Academic Search Premier
- Business Source Elite
- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
- Newspaper Source
- Psychology & Behavioral Science
- Regional Business News