The Iraq war that began in 2003 and led to the eventual fall of Saddam Hussein was a pivotal event of the last decade and continues to be dated in public opinion and in scholarship. The titles listed below are ebooks that are a part of this debate. Click on each title view the book (MVCC ID required from off campus. You can click on this subject heading, Iraq War-2003, to view ALL of our titles (print and electronic) on this war.
- Leading to the 2003 Iraq war: the global media debate (2006) edited by Alexander G. Nikolaev and Ernest A. Hakanen
- Betraying our troops: the destructive results of privatizing war (2007) by Dina Rasor and Robert Bauman
- Neo-conned!: just war principles : a condemnation of war in Iraq (2007) by D.L. O’Huallachain & J. Forrest Sharpe, editors
- A switch in time: a new strategy for America in Iraq (2006) by Kenneth M. Pollack and the Iraq Policy Working Group of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution