If you’re confused because you see lots of people wearing green on campus today, but St. Patrick’s Day was over a month ago, it’s because today is Earth Day. And it’s also the beginning of Earth Week. There will be a number of Earth Week-related events and activities on campus this week.
Here at the library we have a lecture scheduled for today at 12:30pm.
Sustainability Around the Globe: For Folks with Short Attention Spans
Intensive English Language students offer short poster presentations about sustainability topics from their home countries. Tour the world in a matter of minutes while learning neat facts about environmental, social and economic issues.
We also have lots of materials for you to check out. Here is just a small sampling of what’s available.
For general information about Earth Day check out
The Official Earth Day Guide to Planet Repair
To get a little historical perspective we have
Before Earth Day: the Origins of American Environmental Law, 1945-1970
And if you’re interested in making protecting the environment more than just a “one week out the year” kind of thing, you can check out
Best Green Careers: Explore Opportunites in this Rapid Growing Field!
But there’s lots more in the collection. A good place to start if you want to browse around is the subject heading, Environmental Protection.
Earth Day 2013 – The Face of Climate Change