The Pentagon is worried about climate wars. Iraq is being ravaged by climate change. Australia, Japan, and majors companies are hiding the impacts of climate change. This week has been a major week in terms of Climate Change reporting.
Check out these stories!
- “Climate Change Poses a Widening Threat to National Security” (NY Times)
- “Leaked documents reveal the fossil fuel and meat producing countries lobbying against climate action.” (Green Peace)
- COP26: Document leak reveals nations lobbying to change key climate report (BBC)
- “From cradle to grave. Where civilization emerged between the Tigris and Euphrates, climate change is poisoning the land and emptying the villages.” (Washington Post)
- “A hike through ice caves under Austria’s melting glaciers shows ‘decays’ from climate change.” (Washington Post)
This years One Book, One College program is focused on building sustainable communities in the midst of climate change. Learn more at our One Book website.