Civics and Citizenship Toolkit

The Moraine Valley Library will be receivng copies of the Civics and Citizenship Toolkit. This toolkit is designed to “to help immigrants to learn English, embrace the common core of American civic culture and become U.S. Citizens.” There is also informaton on the Civics and Citizenship Toolkit Web site

The description from the Government Printing Office:

The toolkit contains a variety of educational materials designed to help permanent residents learn more about the United States and prepare for the naturalization process. It includes immigration and civics publications, handbooks, and multimedia tools. Some examples are:
* Welcome to the United States – a comprehensive guide for new permanent residents;
* The Citizen’s Almanac, a collection of America’s most cherished speeches, poems, anthems and documents, and
* Civics and Citizenship Multimedia Presentation, an engaging and informative film series on DVD for immigrants.

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