Are you graduating? (Congratulations!) Do you graduate in a year? Are you thinking about your future jobs and career? Here are some resources to help you. The Moraine Valley Job Resource Center is in Building S, Room S202. They can assist you with resume and cover letter reviews, interview skills, and possible internships. You can… Continue reading Job Search and Career Resources
Category: Student Resources
INFLATION Saving money during times of inflation What is inflation? Definition: Persistent increases in the general level of prices. It can be seen as a devaluing of the worth of money. (From The Penguin Dictionary of Economics) Simply stated: Everything costs more! Here are some cost saving tips from your MVCC library: Entertainment Savings: FREE ebooks,… Continue reading INFLATION
What’s My Topic?
Is it time to start thinking about a topic for your paper or your speech? You might want to look at SIRS Researcher to get some ideas. SIRS Researcher is one database available through the Library website. In SIRS Researcher, you can browse topics and categories. You may find a topic that you have always… Continue reading What’s My Topic?
Finals Week in the Library
With finals starting tomorrow, I wanted to wish you all good luck and remind you that the library is here to help. Do you need a quiet place to study? The library is the perfect place for that. We have many different spaces to study in including a small silent study area on the first… Continue reading Finals Week in the Library
Students can reserve a virtual study space to collaborate with classmates and peers!
Students can reserve a virtual space to work remotely with other students. They can reserve an online space through the Library’s Website (under quick links) or directly by clicking on this link. The virtual study spaces are available to all students using their network login. The virtual study spaces utilize Microsoft Teams and can be accessed from laptop, cellphone,… Continue reading Students can reserve a virtual study space to collaborate with classmates and peers!
“How do I _____ at the Library?”: A Library Choose Your Own Adventure
Using the library can be an adventure, especially with so many recent changes. Follow the steps in this guide to find the information you need to be successful this semester. Choose a “character” to get started on your library adventure! First, Choose Your Character: Student Staff or Faculty Member Member of the Community You’ve Chosen… Continue reading “How do I _____ at the Library?”: A Library Choose Your Own Adventure
New Library Databases
To meet the need for increased online resources, the Library has introduced a number of new databases this Fall! If you have questions or need help with any Library resources, Ask a Librarian! Nexis Uni Legal, news, and business sources—including U.S. Supreme Court decisions dating back to 1790. This could be useful for students: Conducting… Continue reading New Library Databases
Need an Article the Library Does Not Have? Order with InterLibrary Loan (ILL)!
Are you researching for a paper, and you find that the Library does not have the article (or other resource) you would like to use? Click on this tutorial to learn how to request an article through the Library’s InterLibrary Loan (ILL) service! If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to Ask a Librarian… Continue reading Need an Article the Library Does Not Have? Order with InterLibrary Loan (ILL)!
Today is Autism Awareness Day (and Month)!
April is Autism Awareness Month, but April 2nd also happens to be Autism Awareness Day. There are many e-books and some streaming videos available here through our library catalog. You can also try searching for articles in our library databases. Academic Search Complete and PsycArticles are a good place to start. If you are looking… Continue reading Today is Autism Awareness Day (and Month)!
Be An Information King
Our librarians are here for you on the chat reference site: Monday-Thursday: 7:30 AM-10:00 PM Friday: 7:30 AM- 5:00 PM Saturday: 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM Sunday: 12:00 PM- 4:00 PM Ask us any questions you would if we were on campus. Be an Information King.