A Better Way to Evaluate Online Information

Are you looking to up your game in the evaluation of online information? Bestselling author John Green wants to help! Misinformation, disinformation, fake news, and conspiracies have become so common that we stumble across these all the time in our web searches and in our news feeds. And it’s getting harder and harder to evaluate… Continue reading A Better Way to Evaluate Online Information

In Relationships with our Phones: Our Emotional Attachment to Gadgets & Devices (video)

Who’s the most important person in your life? Is it not a person at all? In honor of Valentine’s Day, a panel of faculty members will discuss our relationships with technology. This event is part of our One Book, One College program on Isaac Asimov’s, I, Robot. Visit our podcast page Listen in Apple Podcasts… Continue reading In Relationships with our Phones: Our Emotional Attachment to Gadgets & Devices (video)

A Day Without Facebook

Yesterday, news outlets were reporting on the worldwide disruption of Facebook, Instagram and other Facebook properties. The fact that this was newsworthy speaks to how enmeshed in our lives social media has become. Are you interested in learning more about social media and its impact? The MVCC Library has a variety of materials on the… Continue reading A Day Without Facebook

Your Apps Know Where You Were Last Night…and They are Selling It

You are being watched!! The New York Times has a great interactive piece online today that details ways that your apps are tracking you and then selling your location data to advertisers. The level of detail is frightening. You can find the story here:  Your Apps Know Where You Were Last Night, and They’re Not Keeping… Continue reading Your Apps Know Where You Were Last Night…and They are Selling It

Popular social media tools for teaching and learning!

More and more educators and administrators are learning to use social media tools effectively for students in today’s professional learning communities. Using social networking technologies as educational tools in classroom can boost student engagement and interaction. Young generation learners will feel more comfortable and flexible expressing themselves on Twitter, Wikispaces, YouTube, and blogs. In addition,… Continue reading Popular social media tools for teaching and learning!

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