Need an Article the Library Does Not Have? Order with InterLibrary Loan (ILL)!

Are you researching for a paper, and you find that the Library does not have the article (or other resource) you would like to use? Click on this tutorial to learn how to request an article through the Library’s InterLibrary Loan (ILL) service! If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to Ask a Librarian… Continue reading Need an Article the Library Does Not Have? Order with InterLibrary Loan (ILL)!

Citing Research Papers Using The Purdue OWL

Preparing research papers can be tough; citing them can be tougher, especially with different citation styles. APA, MLA, Chicago Manual of Style, oh my! Do I have a resource for you! Check out Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL). This was my go-to resource after having returned to graduate school after a twenty year absence… Continue reading Citing Research Papers Using The Purdue OWL

Me, myself or I? Using the right pronouns when writing

  There are many rules about the use of grammar, far too many to memorize.  Remember Meryl Streep’s character in the Series of Unfortunate Events movie, the recluse who studied grammar devotedly?  We’re more likely to meet Count Olaf than someone who is really that knowledgeable on the topic, but, though we may not master every… Continue reading Me, myself or I? Using the right pronouns when writing

Looking for Textbooks?

Many students are stopping by, calling, or chatting with us at the Info Desk looking for textbooks for classes. We have many textbooks (but not all textbooks) on reserve. You can search for textbooks by class here. You can check out textbooks for two hour blocks of time.

Representational Abstract Art…Finding the Right Words

I had a challenging question at the information desk today. A student was working on a paper about “representational abstract art.” This was a new phrase to me, since I would assume that if the piece of art was abstract it would be non-representational. The student told me that he was thinking about art movement… Continue reading Representational Abstract Art…Finding the Right Words

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