Revisit “Public Health Preparedness: Whole Community Involvement” – One Book, One College Programming on World War Z

Back in 2014, Jeremy Hirst, Chief of Risk and Emergency Management at DuPage County Health Department held a discussion on public health preparedness for pandemics (such as SARS, H1N1, influenza ), widespread drug addiction, bioterrorism, etc., & how preparations involve the entire community. This discussion was part of our One Book, One College programming on… Continue reading Revisit “Public Health Preparedness: Whole Community Involvement” – One Book, One College Programming on World War Z

Revisit “How Plagues, Disease, and Outbreaks Have Changed History”: One Book, One College Programming on World War Z

Back in 2014, MVCC’s History faculty members Merri Fefles, Josh Fulton, Jim McIntyre, & Kristine VanBaren held a panel discussion on how plagues, disease, & outbreaks have changed history. This discussion was part of our One Book, One College programming on World War Z. The various diseases they discussed were polio, the 1918 Spanish flu,… Continue reading Revisit “How Plagues, Disease, and Outbreaks Have Changed History”: One Book, One College Programming on World War Z

Emergency Responses at Moraine Valley Featuring MVCC Police Chief Patrick O’Connor

After yesterday’s horrific shooting at Umpqua Community College in Oregon (see Gunman kills at least 9 at Oregon campus before dying in shootout), I thought it may be worthwhile to post this video of MVCC’s Police Chief talking about campus safety at Moraine Valley. MVCC Chief O’Connor discussed emergency preparedness at MVCC. This includes a… Continue reading Emergency Responses at Moraine Valley Featuring MVCC Police Chief Patrick O’Connor

Psychology of Zombies: A Faculty Panel

AMC just announced that the new season of the Walking Dead will begin October 11th. We are getting excited about this, so I thought I’d post this video from our One Book programming on World War Z (2013-2014 academic year). Psychology of Zombies: A Faculty Panel

Zombies, creepy old ladies and Swedish witches……OH MY!

Halloween is just around the corner, and we have just what you need if you want to get your spook on! I’m sure you know that books are available for check out in the library, but did you know we have a large and varied DVD collection as well?  This Halloween skip the RedBox and… Continue reading Zombies, creepy old ladies and Swedish witches……OH MY!

Robin Williams, Suicide, and the Human Condition

Like the rest of the world, we are in shock after hearing the news of Robin Williams’ apparent suicide. This is difficult news and a great loss. Suicide is a topic that we discussed in our public programming last year during our One Book program on World War Z. We welcomed psychiatrist, Jason Burns, M.D.,… Continue reading Robin Williams, Suicide, and the Human Condition

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