The Hero’s Journey & the Power of Myth (video)

The comic book, Ms. Marvel is a kind of hero’s journey where the teenage Kamalah Khan becomes the superhero Ms. Marvel. The hero’s journey is a mythological template common across cultures. This panel will define this mythology and discuss what it teaches us in literature and popular culture. This event is part of our One… Continue reading The Hero’s Journey & the Power of Myth (video)

Ms. Marvel author G. Willow Wilson Lecture Videos

We were very excited to welcome G. Willow Wilson to campus last week. Wilson, who is the author of our One Book text Ms. Marvel, gave two lectures on campus. She had much to say about heroes, identity, pop culture, and much more. She is currently the writer for Wonder Women, one of DC Comic’s… Continue reading Ms. Marvel author G. Willow Wilson Lecture Videos

Being Young and Muslim in America: A Panel Discussion

Members of the Muslim Student Association and the Arab Student Union discuss their religion, serving others, life as students and challenging stereotypes. This event is part of our One Book, One College Programming. Glossary of terms: Allah: Arabic Word for God Asalamo Alaikum: Arabic for Peace be upon you Zikir: remembrance of God Quran: Holy… Continue reading Being Young and Muslim in America: A Panel Discussion

Event Rescheduled: Hero’s Journey & the Power of Myth

We have rescheduled a faculty panel for April: Hero’s Journey & the Power of Myth Tuesday, April 23rd, 12:30pm-1:45pm, Library Lounge (Building L) The comic book, Ms. Marvel is a kind of hero’s journey where the teenage Kamalah Khan becomes the superhero Ms. Marvel. The hero’s journey is a mythological template common across cultures. This… Continue reading Event Rescheduled: Hero’s Journey & the Power of Myth

A Short History of Modern Pakistan

Pakistan’s history has impacted global events. This complicated story is often misunderstood. This talk will explore this history. This event is part of our One Book, One College Programming. A Short History of Modern Pakistan The audio of this discussion is available below: Visit our podcast page Listen in iTunes Download the MP3 audio:

This is How We Resist: Civic Engagement of Immigrant-Origin Students in Post-Trump US

Immigrant-origin college students (those who have immigrated to the US themselves and children of immigrants) are a growing population. Currently, a third of all college-age young people in the US are first- or second-generation immigrants (Rumbaut & Komaie, 2010). As immigrant-origin students come of age, they become keenly aware of the social and cultural reflections… Continue reading This is How We Resist: Civic Engagement of Immigrant-Origin Students in Post-Trump US

Me or We: A Panel Discussion on Heroes, the Social Contract & Our Responsibilities to Each Other

Joined by Psychology Professor Dr. Amy Williamson and Sociology Professor Dr. Jeffrey McCully we will consider questions such as: Do individuals have responsibilities to society? If so, what are they? If not, what is the role of individuals in a society? What responsibilities do heroes and leaders have to society? Are individuals becoming increasingly egocentric,… Continue reading Me or We: A Panel Discussion on Heroes, the Social Contract & Our Responsibilities to Each Other

Ms. Marvel, Meaning & Modern Storytelling : A Faculty Panel (video)

In preparation visit of author G. Willow Wilson, faculty and students will the significance of the award winning comic Ms. Marvel, which is the 2018-2019 One Book selection. This event is part of the One Book, One College program on Ms. Marvel and the Graphic Novel Symposium. Ms. Marvel, Meaning & Modern Storytelling: A Faculty… Continue reading Ms. Marvel, Meaning & Modern Storytelling : A Faculty Panel (video)

Iva-Marie Palmer & Marta Kissi: Their Partnership as Writer and Illustrator (video)

Iva-Marie Palmer, author of the Gabby Garcia’s Ultimate Playbook series, will talk about writing middle-grade novels with a graphic component. Attendees will hear about how this process differs from the typical novel, as well as the nuts and bolts of working with an illustrator. The illustrator of Gabby Garcia’s Ultimate Playbook, Marta Kissi, will join… Continue reading Iva-Marie Palmer & Marta Kissi: Their Partnership as Writer and Illustrator (video)

The Mosaics Program, G. Willow Wilson, and Ms. Marvel (podcast)

Tommy Hensel, Director of the Fine and Performing Arts Center, discusses the program Mosaics: Muslim Voices in America. He discuses previous and upcoming programming with a special emphasis on This is part of our One Book programming and our Graphic Novel Symposium.   The Mosaics Program, G. Willow Wilson, and Ms. Marvel The audio of… Continue reading The Mosaics Program, G. Willow Wilson, and Ms. Marvel (podcast)

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