Was 1993 the Greatest Year in the History of Rap & Hip Hop?

NPR will be highlighting the year 1993 marking what some believe was the greatest year in the history of rap and hip hop. The first piece was on today focusing on the reaction to the LA Riots: ‘The Chronic’ 20 Years Later: An Audio Document Of The L.A. Riots. Our collection includes sources that explore… Continue reading Was 1993 the Greatest Year in the History of Rap & Hip Hop?

Film Blog: Martin Luther King Jr.

I thought I’d highlight Martin Luther King Jr.’s most memorable speeches. Kennedy and King: Promises and Dreams (2005) is part of a series called Great American Speeches: 80 years of political oratory. King’s moving “I have a dream” (1963) and “When a man has already died” (1965) speeches are featured in the film. Included in… Continue reading Film Blog: Martin Luther King Jr.

Film Blog: Before the Nickelodeon (1982)

Please note that this film isn’t about the network Nickelodeon, but rather about about nickelodeons, which were early motion picture theaters. Nickelodeons got its name simply for the fact that they typically cost a nickel for admission. Can you believe that?! Before the Nickelodeon: The Early Cinema of Edwin S. Porter centers around the years from… Continue reading Film Blog: Before the Nickelodeon (1982)

Film Blog: Adaptation (2002)

Today in Filmblogland, I bring a semi-autobiographical story about Charlie Kaufman’s (played by Nicholas Cage) struggle to transform the non-fictional book The Orchid Thief into a screenplay (hence the film title). Now, I know what you’re thinking, “what do you mean by semi-autobiographical?” The screenplay writer for Adaptation (also available on Bluray) Charlie Kaufman, writes… Continue reading Film Blog: Adaptation (2002)

Film Blog: The Hunger Games (2012)

If you’re looking for a movie to unwind with this break, consider The Hunger Games. This movie is action packed and filled with suspense. Although I’m sure Hunger Games needs no introduction, I’ll just say that is a dystopian tale about twenty-four adolescents fighting to the death in a yearly televised production. There may be… Continue reading Film Blog: The Hunger Games (2012)

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