Voting Help: Voting for Judicial Candidates

Often people skip the judicial candidates on the ballot because they have no idea who to vote for. It is much easier to research other types of candidates. How does the average citizen know which judicial candidates are qualified for the job? If you live in Cook County, the Vote for Judges website makes it… Continue reading Voting Help: Voting for Judicial Candidates

Thinking of Randy Conner

All of us in the library, we deeply saddened at the passing of Randy Conner, faculty member in Humanities. Randy was a dear friend and colleague who was always willing to be part of our library’s cultural programming. Randy was an innovative teacher who developed several new courses, most notably HUM 155, LGBTQ Humanities. Additionally,… Continue reading Thinking of Randy Conner

Chicago–The Candy Capital of the World

Halloween is almost here. Getting to dress up in costumes is only part of the holiday fun. Because let’s face it, Halloween is also about the candy. Did you know that a lot of the candy that fills trick-or-treaters’ buckets has a history in Chicago? Tootsie Rolls, M&Ms, Snickers, Brach’s, Wrigley, Lemonheads, Red Hots, Baby… Continue reading Chicago–The Candy Capital of the World

Voting Information for the November 3, 2020 Election

Key Dates for the November 3, 2020 Presidential Election   Date   Event   10/6/2020   Voter registration closes for deputy registrars and local election officials   10/7/2020   First day of grace period registration and voting   10/18/2020   Last day to register to vote by online application   10/19/2020   First day of early voting   10/29/2020   Last… Continue reading Voting Information for the November 3, 2020 Election

I, Robot Digital Art

Check out this awesome work from MVCC digital art students. They used our 2019-2020 One Book, I, Robot (by Isaac Asimov) as their subject matter. They created dust jackets and digital animations. You can review all of this work on the Digital Art Website.

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