Bathing in the Forest to Relieve Stress… at the Library?

This year’s One Book One College selection is All We Can Save, a collections of essays by women leading the fight against climate change. Thinking about climate change and the environment can be really stressful, but getting out into and enjoying nature can have some really positive benefits. You might have heard of “Forest Bathing“,… Continue reading Bathing in the Forest to Relieve Stress… at the Library?

“How do I _____ at the Library?”: A Library Choose Your Own Adventure

Using the library can be an adventure, especially with so many recent changes. Follow the steps in this guide to find the information you need to be successful this semester. Choose a “character” to get started on your library adventure! First, Choose Your Character: Student Staff or Faculty Member Member of the Community You’ve Chosen… Continue reading “How do I _____ at the Library?”: A Library Choose Your Own Adventure

Inspiring Designs: Our Herman Miller Chairs

“Inspiring designs help people do great things.” (check out the cool video at the bottom of this post) This quote is from the video below, and it refers to the design work of the Herman Miller company. Our library staff members have long believed that our spaces matter and that having a comfortable environment matters.… Continue reading Inspiring Designs: Our Herman Miller Chairs

Best Super Bowl Commercial

Ok, we might be biased, but clearly this was the best commercial from last night’s Super Bowl. Yes, this may be setting up the stereotypical library which no longer exists, but it was still funny. Anyone who has been in our library knows that our main floor is NOT a quiet place, but our first… Continue reading Best Super Bowl Commercial

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