New Title in the Library: The new way things work / David Macaulay, with Neil Ardle, “The information age is upon us, baffling us with thousands of complicated state-of-the-art technologies. To help make sense of the computer age, David Macaulay brings us The New Way Things Work. This completely updated and expanded edition describes twelve… Continue reading The new way things work by David Macaulay, with Neil Ardle
Category: General Information
State Health Facts Online
The Kaiser Family Foundation’s State Health Facts Online “contains the latest state-level data on demographics, health, and health policy, including health coverage, access, financing, and state legislation.” The site covers a range of health topics, including HIV/AIDS, Managed Care and Health Insurance, Minority Health and Women’s Health. “The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation is a… Continue reading State Health Facts Online
“Search Engine Wars” series on NPR
National Public Radio’s Morning Edition today began a weeklong series of features on search engines. Today’s story reviews the history of search engines. Later this week, we’ll learn about the industry, how search engines make money, what to expect in the future, etc. You can listen at The page also has a collection of… Continue reading “Search Engine Wars” series on NPR
World Newspapers
The Australian-based Online World Newspaper Index offers links to a large number of, well, world newspapers published in a number of languages (including English). Tucows’ NewsDirectory limits itself to English language world newspapers, magazines and othe media outlets. Quoting the site: “This free directory of newspapers, magazines, television stations, colleges, visitor bureaus, governmental agencies and… Continue reading World Newspapers
More Google…
Dr Eszter Hargittai’s First Monday article “Do You ‘Google’? Understanding search engine use beyond the hype” expands a bit on her BBC interview, and touches on the relationship between Google and other search sites (Yahoo, MyWay and AOL).
Researcher: access to Google by itself not enough for efficient Internet research
Dr Eszter Hargittai, a researcher at Northwestern University, says that her research indicates that access to Google is not enough for efficient, thorough Internet searching. Internet users need to know how to use search strategies effectively. “User studies suggest that the particular strategies people employ to look for content is a more important predictor of… Continue reading Researcher: access to Google by itself not enough for efficient Internet research
New way to organize science?
“Scientists need new ways to monitor the progress of science in the digital age, according to reports in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.” Science is a very interconnected human activity, but data and knowledge has left the traditional print resources and has many dimensions. Scientists from Indiana University and elsewhere are recommending… Continue reading New way to organize science?
Do scientists cheat?
Do scientists cheat?: This 1988 video is still a recommended source from the library’s collection about scientific ethics. Here is a summary of this source: “Explores fraudulent practices in scientific research. Looks at fraud both from the ethical aspects and the practical results. Uses actual proven cases to address the issues.”
9-11 Commission
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9-11 Commission), an independent, bipartisan commission created by congressional legislation and the signature of President George W. Bush in late 2002, is chartered to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including… Continue reading 9-11 Commission
Illinois Poet Laureate’s Website
Kevin Stein, Illinois’ new poet laureate, announced this week that the ILINOIS POET LAUREATE’S WEBSITE is now up and running at The site will highlight one Illinois poet for a period of several months. Currently featured is Pulitzer Prize winner Lisel Mueller. Seven of Mueller’s poems are at the site in both text and… Continue reading Illinois Poet Laureate’s Website