That sentence was jubilantly proclaimed as the Perseverance rover landed on Mars today at 2:56 (CST). After a year of doom and gloom news, a ray of sunshine burst through the world with the announcement that the NASA Perseverance rover touched down on the red planet. The rover will collect samples of rocks and soil.… Continue reading “NASA Works”!
Category: Events
Civil unrest in the U.S. Is the worst behind us or ahead of us? (video)
The United States has experienced significant civil unrest in the past year. Please join our panel as we examine the landscape of the past year, potential domestic threats in the future, and police and community relations. Panel members will include: Dr. John Roman: Senior Fellow of Economics, Justice and Society at NORC at the University… Continue reading Civil unrest in the U.S. Is the worst behind us or ahead of us? (video)
An Interview with Haki R. Madhubuti: Taught by Women & other Writers (video)
Haki R. Madhubuti is a poet, publisher, and public intellectual. He is the founder of Third World Press which is the largest, independent, African-American owned press in the United States. In this interview, MVCC’s Dewitt Scott interviews Mr. Madhubuti on his new book Taught By Women: Poems as Resistance Language New and Selected as well… Continue reading An Interview with Haki R. Madhubuti: Taught by Women & other Writers (video)
Uncover 1919: A Discussion of Eve Ewing’s 1919
The MVCC Black Student Association holds an in-depth discussion of “1919” by Eve L. Ewing. Her award-winning collection of poems explores the Chicago Race Riot of 1919 through poetry. This discussion is moderated by Dr. Amani Wazwaz and it part of the Black History Month celebration and the One Book, One College program. Visit our… Continue reading Uncover 1919: A Discussion of Eve Ewing’s 1919
Was it really a year like no other? 2020 in Historical Context (video)
The year 2020 was a year to remember, but how unique was it? How does it compare to other historic moments? MVCC history faculty consider these questions. This event is part of the Moraine Valley One Book, One College program. Visit our podcast page Listen in Apple Podcasts Download the MP3 audio:
The Divided States of America: Insurrection, Impeachment, and Inauguration (video)
This event examines the insurrection on the U.S. Capitol on 1/6, the second impeachment of President Trump, and the Inauguration of President Biden. Panelists include Teaching and Learning Librarian Dr. Troy Swanson, Orange Coast College Journalism Professor Dr. Jeremy Shermak, and Political Science Professor Kevin Navratil. We will examine the significance of 1/6 and what… Continue reading The Divided States of America: Insurrection, Impeachment, and Inauguration (video)
Are Confederate Monuments History? Assessing the Lost Cause, Monuments, & Race (video)
In recent years, a vigorous debate has occurred online and in the streets over the meaning of monuments to the Confederacy and its leaders during the American Civil War. In this presentation, Associate Professor of History Josh Fulton explores the Lost Cause movement and its efforts to reshape historical memory of the Confederacy and the… Continue reading Are Confederate Monuments History? Assessing the Lost Cause, Monuments, & Race (video)
The Virtual Rainbow Reception
The Celebrating Diversity Task Group’s LGBTQ+ Subcommittee is hosting the annual Rainbow Reception virtually this year! On Monday, February 1st you can learn about the different resources on campus available to LGBTQIA+ students. Join via WebEx. You can also show your pride by ordering a t-shirt! After the reception, check out some of the resources… Continue reading The Virtual Rainbow Reception
Moraine Valley Authors
Each year in the Library, we host an event for the authors and creators of Moraine Valley Community College. The hard work and talent of Moraine faculty and staff are on display and the the whole college community can see their accomplishments. We were disappointed this year when the event had to be cancelled, but… Continue reading Moraine Valley Authors
The Bubonic Plague: The Ultimate Pandemic (video)
History faculty member Jim McIntyre provides an overview of the history of one of the most deadly pandemics in history, the bubonic plague or the black death. This discussion reviews key outbreaks and the impacts they had in history. This is set in light of the current, Covid-19 pandemic. Visit our podcast page Listen in… Continue reading The Bubonic Plague: The Ultimate Pandemic (video)