Check Out Our Newest Kids Books!

If you are an education student, parent, or just like to read kids books, we are continuing to build our children’s and young adult literature collections. Currently, these, and others, are on display in the New Arrivals section, in the lounge near the library entrance. In a couple weeks, they will be moved downstairs to… Continue reading Check Out Our Newest Kids Books!

Kid’s Books in the Library

Do you have kids? Are you taking a children’s literature course? Or do you just like reading children’s or young adult books?  In any case, did you know that the library has a children’s book collection?  It is a small, but growing section in the lower level of the library near the men’s bathroom.  The… Continue reading Kid’s Books in the Library

1919 author, Eve L. Ewing, on Charter Schools

If you’ve been following our One Book, One College programming this year, you already know Eve L. Ewing, author of 1919 and other books and articles.  A couple of weeks ago, her opinion piece, Can We Stop Fighting about Charter Schools? was published in The New York Times. As a sociologist and educator, she is… Continue reading 1919 author, Eve L. Ewing, on Charter Schools

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