Be Kind to Bees

It’s time to enjoy the warmer weather and all the pleasures that this time of the year provides. Flowers, fruits, and vegetables are some of of these gifts. The humble bee plays an important role in all of these products.

Bees are divided into two classes, cultivated bees (honeybees who produce honey and pollinate crops) and native bees (those who have no human interaction who also pollinate many of our plants and crops). We take bees and pollination for granted, but entomologists warn that some species of bees “who are vital for their role as pollinators are imperiled by temperature extremes, habitat loss, disease and pesticides have all contributed to the decline of many species of pollinators.” Three-fourths of the world’s flowering plants depend on pollinators to reproduce. Our food supply depends on pollinators. We can help alleviate this situation with one or two simple steps.

More information on this topic can be found in the MVCC library Science Databases

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