Motivation to Read- pt. 1

The one book I can remember specifically reading in high-school was The Canterbury Tales with complicated prose and complex word choice. While those in my class yawned with no urge to read, I surprisingly latched onto the book. What I found interesting to read (especially The Wife of Bath’s Tale) my classmates saw as just… Continue reading Motivation to Read- pt. 1

Feel The Music

So many people listen to music but how many of those listening understand the benefits behind music? I would argue that off the top of our heads, not many could list the psychological/mental and physical benefits that come from music.   For example, did you know that music helps with anxiety and stress? If a person… Continue reading Feel The Music

The Skill of Emotions

With the changing times and the importance of mental health at the forefront of our minds, the significance of emotions and their impact on everyday life (work, school, relationships, etc.) is a noteworthy conversation to have. The best way to start that conversation is, of course, with Emotional Intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is a term that… Continue reading The Skill of Emotions

A Cat’s Social Life

When I first adopted my cat, I was of the opinion like many that cats would be les social and more independent than dogs. While this may be true in some cases, this is a misconception, and I first noticed it when getting to know my own cat. In cat psychology (Yes, it is a… Continue reading A Cat’s Social Life

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