Libraries provide community support

Though Baltimore schools have since reopened, they did close due to rioting over Freddy Gray’s death while in police custody, but the public libraries stayed open as places of “comfort and community” to residents. Roswell Encina, Director of Communications of Enoch Pratt Free Library says, “That’s what the library has always been there for, from… Continue reading Libraries provide community support

Americans’ Privacy Strategies Post-Snowden

Michael Miner of the Chicago Reader opines on The Pew Research Center’s survey results concerning how American adults protect themselves after Edward Snowden revealed government surveillance programs in 2013. Results show that “slightly over half the Americans polled said they were “very concerned” or “somewhat concerned” about this monitoring.” A paltry number according to Miner.… Continue reading Americans’ Privacy Strategies Post-Snowden

Local news about copyright : “Losing Vivian Maier” via the Chicago Reader.

Goldstein and Maloof, the latter who recently sold a large portion of his Vivian Maier collection to a gallery in Canada and whose documentary is nominated for an Academy Award, blame government, “which they say is attacking them, trying to get control of the work that they rescued from the dustbin and made famous. The issue… Continue reading Local news about copyright : “Losing Vivian Maier” via the Chicago Reader.

Best Jobs in America

Confused about what career path to choose? Not satisfied with your current employment? CNNMoney/Payscale has posted the 2015 – 100 “Best jobs in  in America” that have “big growth, great pay and satisfying work.” Link to article  

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