If you are not registered to vote in Illinois for the General Primary Election taking place on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, you have until March 1, 2020, to register online. After March 1, 2020, grace period registration is only available “in-person” at sites authorized by each election authority. Registration lookup Early Voting/Grace Period Registration Locations… Continue reading Illinois Voter Registration
Author: Sharon Byerly
When Citations Matter
A former New York times editor is being called to task for improper source attribution in her newly published book, “Merchants of Truth,” which is critical of the news business and specifically the New York Times, Washington Post, Vice and BuzzFeed. According to the AP article linked below, Abramson on a news program Wednesday night… Continue reading When Citations Matter
President Roosevelt digital archives
As reported by the New York Times on October 17, 2018, the Library of Congress now holds the largest collection of President Theodore Roosevelt’s papers and includes 276,000 documents and over 460,000 digital images that date back to 1759. The collection began in 1917 when Roosevelt first sent items to the Library of Congress for… Continue reading President Roosevelt digital archives
Interesting Reads! New Non-Fiction Titles
FREE WOMEN, FREE MEN Sex, Gender, Feminism By Camille Paglia A collection of essays from well-known feminist academic, Camille Paglia, who the New York Times Book review calls a “fearless public intellectual…more necessary than ever.” Paglia was recently featured in a cover story by Molly Fisher at the New York Magazine website The Cut titled,… Continue reading Interesting Reads! New Non-Fiction Titles
Chicago area libraries
The Chicago area supports a number of literary wonderlands. If you feel yourself drawn to literature for entertainment, life-long learning, or comfort, use libraries in our area to support your interests. Often these organizations offer free or low-cost literary events and workshops. Following organizations on Facebook and other social media platforms will help keep you… Continue reading Chicago area libraries
November 8, 2016 General Election Information
The last day to register to vote for the November 8, 2016 General Election is October 11, 2016. After this date, grace period registration is only available in person at sites authorized by each election authority. To be eligible to vote a voter must: be at least 18 years of age by election day; be… Continue reading November 8, 2016 General Election Information
Melting Away: a Ten Year Journey through Our Endangered Polar Regions
In Melting Away: a Ten Year Journey through Our Endangered Polar Regions, Camille Seamon tells of her experiences traveling and photographing the Arctic and Antarctic, an area she found herself strangely drawn to revisit for 10 years. The extraordinary photographs and colors, primarily blues, predominate in an incredible variety of shades. “Seaman reveals her struggle… Continue reading Melting Away: a Ten Year Journey through Our Endangered Polar Regions
Voting in the Illinois Primary
If you are not registered to vote in the Illinois General Primary Election taking place on March 15, 2016 you have until February 16, 2016 to register. Illinois’ residents may register online, in person at the office of the election authority, at Driver’s license facilities, with deputy registrars who are appointed in each jurisdiction, or… Continue reading Voting in the Illinois Primary
In search of Zoroaster
Recently the library purchased the book titled, Religions of Iran: from pre-history to the present by Richard Foltz. Inside is a chapter titled, “In search of Zoroaster.” Zoroaster is a mystery to many as the basics of his life–where he was born, lived and when he died (possibly born c. 628 BCE—died c. 551 BCE)–are… Continue reading In search of Zoroaster
AHA moments: creative insight and the brain
According to current neuroscience research from John Kounios and Mark Beeman, we are capable of stimulating more creative insight or more “aha moments” when we place ourselves under certain conditions. Read the book to find out how to develop more of your “creative potential” by relaxing your focus, living with humor and a “positive emotional… Continue reading AHA moments: creative insight and the brain