E-Resource access off-campus will be disrupted between the times of 1 AM -3 AM on Wednesday, February 27th due to ongoing maintenance. For any questions, please ask a librarian.
Author: Sam Suber
E-Resource Downtime
E-Resource access off-campus will be disrupted between the times of 1 AM -3 AM on Thursday, February 21st due to ongoing maintenance. For any questions, please ask a librarian.
E-Resource Downtime
E-Resource access off-campus will be disrupted between the times of 1 AM -3 AM on Tuesday, February 19th and again on Wednesday, February 20th due to ongoing maintenance. For any questions, please ask a librarian.
E-Resource Downtime
E-Resource access off-campus will be disrupted between the times of 1 AM -3 AM on Wednesday, February 13th and again on Thursday, February 14th due to ongoing maintenance. For any questions, please ask a librarian.
Proquest & ASP Database Downtime
The following Proquest and Alexander Street Press databases will be down from Saturday, January 19th from 9 P.M. CST until 5 A.M. CST Sunday, January 20th for scheduled maintenance. Proquest Criminal Justice History Study Center Historical Newspapers—Chicago Tribune Historical Newspapers—New York Times SIRS Researcher US Major Dailies—Chicago Tribune US Major Dailies—New York Times US Major… Continue reading Proquest & ASP Database Downtime
eRead Loan Period Changes
As of January 2nd, 2019, the eRead E-book and E-Audio collection will change its loan period from 21 days to 14 days and holds will change from 3 days to 2 days. The goal of these changes is to maximize the availability of popular materials in the collection. Any materials checked out prior to January… Continue reading eRead Loan Period Changes
Update: eRead Illinois Axis 360 Outage –Resolved
Services on the eRead Illinois platform is once again fully operational. ——————– eRead Illinois Axis 360 is currently down. When access is restored, an update will be made. If you have any questions, please contact the library: http://lib.morainevalley.edu/Main/AskLibrarian.html
Infobase Databases Restored
The following Infobase databases have been restored and are in working use: World Religions World Geography Science Online Today’s Science Films Media Streaming Please find them on databases page. Any questions? Please contact a librarian.
Infobase Databases Down
The following databases are currently are down on the Infobase platform: World Religions World Geography Science Online Today’s Science In addition, Films media on Demand videos are working but they are loading slow. An anticipated fix this issue is expected Monday, October 15th. An update will be made when these databases are restored. Please contact… Continue reading Infobase Databases Down
New York Times Magazine — Voyages Issue
The library received the Voyages issue of New York Times Magazine (NYTM)! The Voyages issue is about travel photography. In this issue they selected 11 places that appeal to both the eye and the ear. NYTM also supplied a soundtrack for each of the pictures found here. Find the issue in the Newspaper section at… Continue reading New York Times Magazine — Voyages Issue