11/6/20: Library System Maintenance

The library catalog will be offline at 9am Friday, November 6th for system maintenance. The process should be complete sometime in the late afternoon. We will keep you posted. Sorry for any inconvenience. Please Ask a Librarian for assistance if you need help.

5-7-20, 5pm: EbscoHost Databases Offline

EbscoHost databases are offline due to a vendor-side system issue. This includes databases such as: –Academic Search Complete –PsycArticles –SocIndex –Business Source Premier –ERIC –CINAHL –Ebsco eBooks –and several others. If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian.

[ISSUE RESOLVED] 4/9: Library Catalog Offline, Please Use Alternate Tool

Update: Issue resolved at 2:15pm, 4/9/20. If you have questions or are continuing to have issues, please Ask a Librarian for help. ——————————————————– Due to some of the outages happening on campus today, the library catalog is still currently offline. Please use our “classic” style catalog to do the same searching you would perform in… Continue reading [ISSUE RESOLVED] 4/9: Library Catalog Offline, Please Use Alternate Tool

03.11.20: Scheduled Library System Maintenance

The library catalog will be offline Wednesday, 03.11.20, from noon to 8pm so we can perform crucial library server updates. Access to subscription research databases will still be available. If you need assistance, please Ask a Librarian! Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

2/18, 9:45PM: Library Databases Offline

Due to a vendor issue, there is an unplanned outage and the library research databases, normally accessible via the Research Tools page, are currently down. Here are some workaround links to some of our more popular databases: Academic Search Complete ProQuest News: US Major Dailies JSTOR PsycArticles We will update this page as more information… Continue reading 2/18, 9:45PM: Library Databases Offline

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