The History of Cabrini-Green

Today’s New York Times details the history of Cabrini-Green through the eyes of one of its residents.  “The Towers Came Down, and with them the Promise of Public Housing”.

Surprising items that can be checked out at some public libraries!

Across the United States, more than books and dvds are being offered for check out at the local public library. North Haven, Connecticut offers cakes pans, Grand Rapids, Minnesota offers fishing rods, and snow shoes are offered in Biddeford, Maine.  Read here to find other unusual items that are available.

Giraffes – the long and short of it

Called the “forgotten megafauna” by the Giraffe Conservation Foundation, this giraffe article in the New York Times  will enhance your knowledge about a wonderful, but overlooked, graceful animal.

Check out our summer reads from our after class selection

What genre interests you? Women’s fiction?  Try Danielle Steel’s Power Play Literary fiction with tinges of magical realism and fairy tales? Try  Helen Oyeyemi’s Boy, Snow, Bird Detective fiction?  Try Stephen King’s Mr. Mercedes.  Yes, this is King’s first attempt at this genre. Dystopian fiction?  Try Laline Paull’s The Bees Science Fiction?  Try Andy Weir’s… Continue reading Check out our summer reads from our after class selection

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